2009:Audio Onset Detection Results

From MIREX Wiki


These are the results for the 2009 running of the Audio Onset Detection. For background information about this task set please refer to the 2009:Audio_Onset_detection page. The aim of the Audio Onset Detection task is to find the time locations at which all musical events in a recording begin. The dataset consists of 85 recordings across 9 different "classes" (e.g. solo drums, polyphonic pitched, etc.). For each sound file, ground truth annotations produced by 3-5 listeners were used for the evaluation.

General Legend

Team ID

AR1 = A. Röbel (7_hd)
AR2 = A. Röbel (10_hd)
AR3 = A. Röbel (12_nhd)
AR4 = A. Röbel (16_nhd)
AR5 = A. Röbel (19_hdc)
GT = George Tzanetakis
PI = Antonio Pertusa, José M. Iñesta
TZC1 = Hui Li Tan, Yongwei Zhu, Lekha Chaisorn
TZC2 = Hui Li Tan, Yongwei Zhu, Lekha Chaisorn
TZC3 = Hui Li Tan, Yongwei Zhu, Lekha Chaisorn
TZC4 = Hui Li Tan, Yongwei Zhu, Lekha Chaisorn
TZC5 = Hui Li Tan, Yongwei Zhu, Lekha Chaisorn

Overall Summary Results

MIREX 2009 Audio Onset Detection Summary Results - Peak F-measure performance across all parameterizations

Contestant Parameters Class # Files in Class Total Correct Total FP Total FN Total Merged Total Doubled Avg. Correct Avg. FP Avg. FN Avg. Merged Avg. Doubled Avg. Precision Avg. Recall Avg. F-Measure
AR1 0.34 Total 85 7560 2736 1795 188 257 26.06196078 9.396862745 5.853333333 0.583137255 0.783921569 0.813172379 0.833011441 0.789965992
AR2 0.43 Total 85 7015 1231 2340 161 133 24.49764706 4.349411765 7.417647059 0.514901961 0.469803922 0.850044452 0.791942348 0.795994316
AR3 0.28 Total 85 6440 901 2915 145 198 22.44784314 3.140392157 9.46745098 0.458039216 0.636862745 0.859574741 0.731492668 0.760988355
AR4 0.13 Total 85 6426 846 2929 148 183 22.48196078 2.929803922 9.433333333 0.474901961 0.571764706 0.863924132 0.73621974 0.764809169
AR5 0.34 Total 85 7339 2367 2016 185 212 25.33176471 8.138823529 6.583529412 0.579215686 0.640784314 0.805554596 0.818797553 0.783117795
GT N/A Total 85 5053 2836 4302 162 46 17.47607843 9.653333333 14.43921569 0.510196078 0.164705882 0.670059391 0.599119129 0.595419443
PI 0.25 Total 85 6861 2232 2494 196 10 23.93039216 7.693137255 7.984901961 0.62745098 0.029803922 0.799872471 0.774985554 0.767893739
TZC1 N/A Total 85 6882 2224 2473 157 308 24.17137255 7.805098039 7.743921569 0.48745098 1.079215686 0.756722619 0.769681153 0.744344246
TZC2 N/A Total 85 6588 1976 2767 152 266 23.2654902 7.193333333 8.649803922 0.478823529 0.967843137 0.782791592 0.745809848 0.733830105
TZC3 N/A Total 85 5961 1703 3394 146 285 21.25215686 6.571372549 10.66313725 0.46 1.044313725 0.796136559 0.689654254 0.686300505
TZC4 N/A Total 85 5953 1843 3402 135 345 21.23254902 7.108627451 10.6827451 0.421568627 1.28745098 0.789783639 0.689112046 0.679377579
TZC5 N/A Total 85 7816 5502 1539 84 1540 26.9745098 19.8372549 4.940784314 0.284313725 5.157254902 0.628808252 0.836869809 0.682325286

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MIREX 2009 Audio Onset Detection Runtime Data

Participant Machine Runtime (hh:mm)
AR1 ALE 00:03
AR2 ALE 00:04
AR3 ALE 00:02
AR4 ALE 00:02
AR5 ALE 00:03
GT ALE 00:01
PI ALE 00:01
TZC1 ALE 01:57
TZC2 ALE 01:57
TZC3 ALE 01:57
TZC4 ALE 01:57
TZC5 ALE 01:57

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Results by Class

Individual Results