2007:MIREX2007 Results

From MIREX Wiki

19 September 2007

All result data sets are now posted. A few tasks are still missing run-time data which, most likely, will have to wait until after ISMIR, as IMIRSEL folks are starting their journeys to Vienna.

The MIREX 2007 Plenary Session will be held Wednesday, 26 September 2007 (1400-1530h) during the main ISMIR 2007 conference. This will be followed by the MIREX Poster Session (1530-1630h).

NEW MIREX 2007 Plenary Topics Page

We have created a 2007:MIREX2007_Plenary_Topics page which is intended to act as an informal notepad for community members who would like to suggest possible discussion topics for the MIREX 2007 Plenary Session. We will be monitoring the "Topics" page constantly prior to the plenary session. Also, please feel free to post your comments and ideas during and after the Plenary Session as we will use this information to help shape future iterations of MIREX.


MIREX 2007 Overall Results Poster (PDF) is now available .

Results by Task

Machine Specifications

Machine Name OS Kernel Processor RAM Hard Disks
FAST XP AMD Athlon XP 2600+ 1.9GHz 2GB 80GB
LINUX RedHat 9 Linux 2.4.20-31.9 i386 AMD Athlon XP 2600+1.9GHz 1GB 80GB + 80GB
BLACK XP Dual AMD Athlon 2.3GHz 2GB 250GB
MAC MacOS X (10.4) Darwin Kernel Version 8.10.2 Intel Core 2 Duo 1.8GHz 2GB 80GB
SANDBOX (x3) CentOS Linux 2.6.9-42.0.2.ELsmp i386 Intel P4 3.0GHz 3GB 80GB + 300 GB
BEER Cluster
Cluster HEAD CentOS Linux 2.6.9-42.0.2.ELsmp x86_64 Dual AMD Opteron 64 1.6GHz 4GB 1.8TB + 1.6TB NFS RAID
BEER Nodes (x4) CentOS Linux 2.6.9-42.0.2.ELsmp x86_64 Dual AMD Opteron 64 1.6GHz 4GB 160GB
ALE Nodes (x4) CentOS Linux 2.6.9-42.0.2.ELsmp x86_64 Dual Xeon Quad Core 1.6GHz 12GB 500GB
ALE NAS CentOS Linux 2.6.9-42.0.2.ELsmp x86_64 Dual Xeon Quad Core 1.6GHz 8GB 4.1 TB NFS RAID

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