2009:Query-by-Tapping Results

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Revision as of 16:07, 11 October 2009 by Zggame (talk | contribs)


These are the results for the 2008 running of the Query-by-Singing/Humming task. For background information about this task set please refer to the Query by Singing/Humming page.

Task Descriptions

Task 1 Goto Task 1 Results: The first subtask is the same as last year. In this subtask, submitted systems take a symbolic sung query as input and return a list of songs from the test database. Mean reciprocal rank (MRR) of the ground truth, as well as the simple hit(1)/miss(0) counting, is calculated over the top 10 returns. Two data sets are used:

Task 2 Goto Task 2 Results:The second subtask is the same as last year too. In this subtask, submitted systems take a wave-file sung query as input and return a list of songs from the test database. Mean reciprocal rank (MRR) of the ground truth, as well as the simple hit(1)/miss(0) counting, is calculated over the top 10 returns. Only Roger Jang's data http://neural.cs.nthu.edu.tw/jang2/dataSet/qbt4public/MIR-QBT.rar MIR-QBT] is used as the other dataset has no wave files.

General Legend

Team ID

CSJ = Chun-Ta Chen and Jyh-Shing Roger Jang

HAFR = Pierre Hanna, Julien Allali, Pascal Ferraro and Matthias Robine

HL = Shu-Jen Show and Hsiao Tyne Liang

Task 1 Results

Task 1, Jang's dataset Results

Task 1 Overall Results

file /nema-raid/www/mirex/results/qbsh/qbsh_task1_summary.csv not found

Task 1 Friedman's Test for Significant Differences

The Friedman test was run in MATLAB against the QBSH Task 1 MRR data over the 48 ground truth song groups. Command: [c,m,h,gnames] = multcompare(stats, 'ctype', 'tukey-kramer','estimate', 'friedman', 'alpha', 0.05); file /nema-raid/www/mirex/results/qbsh/qbsh.task1.friedman_detailed.csv not found


Task 1 Summary Results by Query Group

file /nema-raid/www/mirex/results/qbsh/qbsh.task1.res.byQueryGroup.csv not found

Task 1, Hsiao's dataset Results

Task 2 Results

In this subtask, the same setup as the first subtask used with combination of different transcribers and matchers. The test databases consists of 106 ground-truth MIDIS + 2000 Essen Collection MIDI noise files. The query databases consists of 355 sung queries.

Task 2 Overall Results

file /nema-raid/www/mirex/results/qbsh/qbsh.task2.summary.csv not found

Task 2 Friedman's Test for Significant Differences

The Friedman test was run in MATLAB against the QBSH Task 1 MRR data over the 48 ground truth song groups. Command: [c,m,h,gnames] = multcompare(stats, 'ctype', 'tukey-kramer','estimate', 'friedman', 'alpha', 0.05); file /nema-raid/www/mirex/results/qbsh/qbsh.task2.friedman_detailed.csv not found


Task 2 Summary Results by Query Group

file /nema-raid/www/mirex/results/qbsh/qbsh_task2_res_byQueryGroup.csv not found

Runtime Results

file /nema-raid/www/mirex/results/qbsh.runtime.csv not found


Task Descriptions

General Legend

Team ID

CSJ = Chun-Ta Chen and Jyh-Shing Roger Jang

HAFR1 = Pierre Hanna, Julien Allali, Pascal Ferraro and Matthias Robine

HAFR2 = Pierre Hanna, Julien Allali, Pascal Ferraro and Matthias Robine

HL = Shu-Jen Show and Hsiao Tyne Liang

Jang Collection

Think IT

Queries as Variation

General Legend

Team ID

CSJ1 = Chun-Ta Chen and Jyh-Shing Roger Jang

CSJ2 = Chun-Ta Chen and Jyh-Shing Roger Jang

HAFR1 = Pierre Hanna, Julien Allali, Pascal Ferraro and Matthias Robine

HAFR2 = Pierre Hanna, Julien Allali, Pascal Ferraro and Matthias Robine

HL = Shu-Jen Show Hsiao and Tyne Liang

Keyboard Collction
