2007:Audio Music Similarity and Retrieval Results

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Revision as of 16:18, 16 September 2007 by JDownie (talk | contribs) (Introduction)



These are the results for the 2007 running of the Audio Music Similarity and Retrieval task set. For background information about this task set please refer to the Audio Music Similarity and Retrieval page.

Each system was given 5000 songs chosen from IMIRSEL's "uspop", "uscrap" and "american" "classical" and "sundry" collections. Each system then returned a 5000x5000 distance matrix. 100 songs were randomly selected as queries and the first 5 most highly ranked songs out of the 5000 were extracted for each query (after filtering out the query itself, returned results from the same artist and members of the cover song collection). Then, for each query, the returned results (candidates) from all participants were grouped and were evaluated by human graders using the Evalutron 6000 grading system. Each individual query/candidate set was evaluated by a single grader. For each query/candidate pair, graders provided two scores. Graders were asked to provide 1 categorical score with 3 categories: NS,SS,VS as explained below, and one fine score (in the range from 0 to 10). A description and analysis is provided below.

The systems read in 30 second audio clips as their raw data. The same 30 second clips were used in the grading stage.

Summary Data on Human Evaluations (Evalutron 6000)

Number of evaluators = 20
Number of evaluations per query/candidate pair = 1
Number of queries per grader = 5
Size of the candidate lists = 48.32
Number of randomly selected queries = 100
Number of query/candidate pairs graded = 4832

General Legend

Team ID

BK1 = Klaas Bosteels, Etienne E. Kerre 1
BK2 = Klaas Bosteels, Etienne E. Kerre 2
TL1 = Thomas Lidy, Andreas Rauber, Antonio Pertusa, José Manuel Iñesta 1
TL2 = Thomas Lidy, Andreas Rauber, Antonio Pertusa, José Manuel Iñesta 2
CB1 = Christoph Bastuck 1
CB2 = Christoph Bastuck 2
CB3 = Christoph Bastuck 3
GT = George Tzanetakis
PS = Tim Pohle, Dominik Schnitzer
PC = Aliaksandr Paradzinets, Liming Chen
LB = Luke Barrington, Douglas Turnball, David Torres, Gert Lanskriet
ME = Michael I. Mandel, Daniel P. W. Ellis

Broad Categories

NS = Not Similar
SS = Somewhat Similar
VS = Very Similar

Calculating Summary Measures

Fine(1) = Sum of fine-grained human similarity decisions (0-10).
PSum(1) = Sum of human broad similarity decisions: NS=0, SS=1, VS=2.
WCsum(1) = 'World Cup' scoring: NS=0, SS=1, VS=3 (rewards Very Similar).
SDsum(1) = 'Stephen Downie' scoring: NS=0, SS=1, VS=4 (strongly rewards Very Similar).
Greater0(1) = NS=0, SS=1, VS=1 (binary relevance judgement).
Greater1(1) = NS=0, SS=0, VS=1 (binary relevance judgement using only Very Similar).

(1)Normalized to the range 0 to 1.

Overall Summary Results

file /nema-raid/www/mirex/results/mirex06_as_overalllist.csv not found

This figure shows the official ranking of the submissions computed using a Friedman test. The blue lines indicate significance boundaries at the p=0.05 level. As can be seen, the differences are not significant. For a more detailed description and discussion see [1].

Audio Music Similarity and Retrieval Runtime Data

file /nema-raid/www/mirex/results/as06_runtime.csv not found

For a description of the computers the submission ran on see MIREX_2006_Equipment.

Friedman Test with Multiple Comparisons Results (p=0.05)

The Friedman test was run in MATLAB against the Fine summary data over the 100 queries.
Command: [c,m,h,gnames] = multcompare(stats, 'ctype', 'tukey-kramer','estimate', 'friedman', 'alpha', 0.05); file /nema-raid/www/mirex/results/ams07_sum_friedman_fine.csv not found file /nema-raid/www/mirex/results/ams07_detail_friedman_fine.csv not found

2007 ams broad scores friedmans.png

Summary Results by Query

file /nema-raid/www/mirex/results/mirex06_as_uberlist.csv not found

Raw Scores

The raw data derived from the Evalutron 6000 human evaluations are located on the Audio Music Similarity and Retrieval Raw Data page.

Query Meta Data

file /nema-raid/www/mirex/results/as06_queries.csv not found

Results from Automatic Evaluation

file /nema-raid/www/mirex/results/as06_nonhuman_results.csv not found

Other Results from Automatic Evaluation

See Audio Music Similarity and Retrieval Other Automatic Evaluation Results page.