2009:Structural Segmentation

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Revision as of 05:04, 30 June 2009 by Matthiasmauch (talk | contribs)

The segment structure (or form) is one of the most important musical parameters. It is furthermore special because musical structure -- especially in popular music genres -- is accessible to everybody: it needs no particular musical knowledge.

Input: wave audio

Output: three column text file of the format <onset_time> <offset_time> <label>, i.e. like Chris Harte's chord labelling files (.lab). onset_time and offset_time in seconds, labels: 'A', 'B', ... where segments referring to the same structural element have the same label.

Ground truth data on audio is available for more than 200 songs, so given a quality measure everyone agrees on, evaluation wouldn't be harder than on other MIREX tasks. At the last ISMIR conference Lukashevich proposed a measure for segmentation evaluation.

Potential Participants

Matthias Mauch, Queen Mary, University of London --Matthias 08:49, 30 June 2009 (UTC)

Maarten Grachten, Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Austria -- Maarten

Issues and Discussion

Thanks for the initiative! I might be interested in participating. Are you referring to segmentation of audio, or symbolic data? What set of annotated data did you refer to? [Maarten Grachten]

Yes, sorry, forgot to specify that. I'm mainly interested in audio, so I changed that above. --Matthias 11:04, 30 June 2009 (UTC)