2007:Score File Format
From MIREX Wiki
$Id: score-file-format.txt,v 1.2 2007/06/25 15:35:06 schwarz Exp $
Score File Format
MIREX text score file format = alignment reference format! = alignment output!
one line per note, tempo change, or signature change
notes are time-ordered, tempo or signature changes can come at any place
event-id onset-position onset-ms type pitch interval duration-beat duration-ms cue-num stream-id
1 1 0 note 72 0 2 4000 1 0 2 3+1/4 4500 note 60 0 0+1/4 500 2 0 3 3+3/4 5000 note 58 0 0+1/2 1000 3 0 4 3+3/4 5000 note 48 0 0+1/2 1000 0 0
columns for note events:
- event ID [int > 1]
- event onset position [measure+rational] (ex. 42+1/4, 28+3/7)
- event onset clock time [ms] (must be consistent with the onset position)
- event type [symbol: note, trill, tremolo, ...] (for tempo and signature, see below)
- event pitch [float MIDI note number]
- event interval [float halftones] (0 for non-trill)
- event duration [measure+rational]
- event duration [ms]
- cue number [int > 0, 0 = no cue]
- stream ID [int]
0 onset-position onset-ms tempo tempo - - - - stream-id
0 1 0 tempo 120 - - - - 0
columns for tempo changes:
- event ID [constant int = 0]
- event onset position [measure+rational] (ex. 42+1/4, 28+3/7)
- event onset clock time [ms] (must be consistent with the onset position)
- event type [constant symbol = tempo]
- tempo [float bpm]
- unused
- unused
- unused
- unused
- stream ID [int]
0 onset-position onset-ms signature numerator denominator - - - stream-id
0 1 0 signature 4 4 - - - 0
columns for signature changes:
- event ID [constant int = 0]
- event onset position [measure+rational] (ex. 42+1/4, 28+3/7)
- event onset clock time [ms] (must be consistent with the onset position)
- event type [constant symbol = signature]
- signature numerator [int]
- signature denominator [int]
- unused
- unused
- unused
- stream ID [int]
Evaluation Metrics
- t_a reference alignment time
- t_r reporting time
- t_e estimated time
- d_l = t_r - t_e system latency (between reporting and estimation)
- d_o = t_a - t_r offset or lag between reporting time and reference
- d_e = t_a - t_e error between estimation time and reference