2013:Discovery of Repeated Themes & Sections

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Revision as of 02:11, 15 March 2013 by Tom Collins (talk | contribs) (Symbolic Version)


In brief: algorithms that take a single piece of music as input, and output a list of patterns repeated within that piece. Also known as intra-opus discovery (Conklin & Anagnostopoulou, 2001).

We would be happy to receive ideas for improving aspects of this task. Researchers with wiki accounts are able to post comments below or to edit the relevant sections, and researchers without wiki accounts are welcome to email me directly: tom.collins(a)jku.at

In more detail: for understanding and interpreting a musical work, the discovery of repeated patterns within that piece is a crucial step. Meredith, Lemström, and Wiggins (2002) cite Schenker (1954) as claiming repetition to be "the basis of music as an art" (p. 5), and also Lerdahl and Jackendoff (1983), who observe that "the importance of parallelism [i.e., repetition] in musical structure cannot be overestimated. The more parallelism one can detect, the more internally coherent an analysis becomes, and the less independent information must be processed and retained in hearing or remembering a piece" (p. 52).

On the very next page Lerdahl and Jackendoff (1983) acknowledge their "failure to flesh out the notion of parallelism," which is symptomatic of a more general failure in music psychology and music computing to address the discovery of repetition. Algorithms that take pieces of music as input, and output a list, visualisation, or summary of repeated patterns do exist (Collins, Thurlow, Laney, Willis, & Garthwaite, 2010; Conklin & Anagnostopoulou, 2001; Forth & Wiggins, 2009; Knopke & Jürgensen, 2009; Lartillot, 2005; Meek & Birmingham, 2003; Meredith et al., 2002; Müller & Jiang, 2012; Nieto, Humphrey, & Bello, 2012; Peeters, 2007), but the pattern discovery task has received less attention than many other tasks in MIR. Until now!

What is a pattern?

For the purposes of this task, a pattern is defined as a set of ontime-pitch pairs that occurs at least twice (i.e., is repeated at least once) in a piece of music. The second, third, etc. occurrences of the pattern will likely be shifted in time and perhaps also transposed, relative to the first occurrence. Ideally an algorithm would be able to discover all exact and inexact occurrences of a pattern within a piece, so in evaluating this task we are interested in both (1) whether an algorithm can discover one occurrence, up to time shift and transposition, and (2) to what extent it can find all occurrences.

Some of the most recognisable riffs and motifs in music consist of as few as four ontime-pitch pairs (for example, the opening riff from 'Purple Haze' by Hendrix, or the opening of the first movement of Symphony no.5 in C minor by Beethoven). If, however, an algorithm returned all patterns consisting of four or more notes in a given piece, a lot of these patterns would not be perceptually salient or analytically interesting. Happily, solutions have been proposed for trying to determine which are the most noticeable and/or important patterns, which are of middling importance, and which have occurred by chance (Cambouropoulos, 2006; Conklin, 2010a, 2010b). Collins, Laney, Willis, & Garthwaite (2011) conducted a meta-analysis and experimental validation of many proposed solutions.


My colleagues and I at the Department of Computational Perception, Johannes Kepler University, are compiling a database of classical music annotated with repeated themes and sections (mainly from KernScores; see also Flossmann, Goebl, Grachten, Niedemayer, & Widmer, 2010). To encourage participation in the pattern discovery task, we are offering a representative sample called the JKU Patterns Development Database (~600 MB). Symbolic and audio versions are crossed with monophonic and polyphonic versions, giving up to four versions of the task in total. Researchers are welcome to submit to more than one version of the task.

As a ground truth, we are basing motifs and themes on Barlow and Morgenstern's (1953) Dictionary of Musical Themes, Schoenberg's (1967) Fundamentals of Musical Composition, and Bruhn's (1993) J. S. Bach’s Well-Tempered Clavier: In-depth Analysis and Interpretation. Repeated sections are based on those marked by the composer. For one of the pieces we created our own annotation. A paper that describes our construction of the Development Database and use of the sources is currently under preparation. No ground truth is perfect: we have chosen the sources as being relatively uncontroversial and transparent, but we would welcome ideas and suggestions from other researchers. As a quick example, here is an excerpt from Beethoven's op.2 no.1 mvt.3, with a ground-truth pattern marked as (first occurrence) and (second occurrence).

Submission Format

Symbolic Version

<Insert paragraph here.>

Failed to parse (MathML with SVG or PNG fallback (recommended for modern browsers and accessibility tools): Invalid response ("Math extension cannot connect to Restbase.") from server "https://wikimedia.org/api/rest_v1/":): {\displaystyle P_1 = \{(-1, 60),\ (-1, 65),\ (0, 61),\ (0, 66),\ (1, 59),\ (1, 64),\ (2, 56),\\[0.5cm]}

Audio Version