Difference between revisions of "MIREX HOME"

From MIREX Wiki
(Created page with 'We are in the process of merging all current and previous iterations of the MIREX wiki into a single Wiki installation to make it a bit easier to manage. All the page contents ha…')
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We are in the process of merging all current and previous iterations of the MIREX wiki into a single Wiki installation to make it a bit easier to manage. All the page contents have been migrated, but most links and images will be broken. We're preparing a bot to crawl the wiki and fix these issues. In the mean time, feel free to continue editing evaluation task descriptions.
==Welcome to MIREX 2024==
Content is now organized into Namespaces, one for each year. You can view the current 2010 content here: [[2010:Main_Page]]
After a break of 3 years, we want to bring back the MIREX (Music Information Retrieval Evaluation eXchange) competition starting from 2024. We want to bring in new tasks, benchmarks, and datasets in response to the rapid development of computer music research.
Similarly for previous content.
The MIREX community will hold its annual meeting as part of [https://ismir.net/ The International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference]. This year, the conference will be held in [https://ismir2024.ismir.net/ San Francisco, CA, USA and online] from November 10–14, 2024.
* [[2009:Main_Page]]
* [[2008:Main_Page]]
* [[2007:Main_Page]]
* [[2006:Main_Page]]
* [[2005:Main_Page]]
All links to older wiki content will be redirected to this new wiki, and should take you to the correct page on the new installation.
In a long run, we want to make MIREX a platform for researchers to share their latest research results, to compare their systems with others, and to promote the development of the field.
==MIREX 2024 Evaluation Tasks==
We will start with a small set of tasks and will expand the list based on the community's feedback. We also welcome volunteers for task leaders. The following tasks are currently planned for MIREX 2024:
Traditional MIR tasks
* [[2024:Audio Chord Estimation]]
* [[2024:Lyrics-to-Audio Alignment]]
* [[2024:Cover Song Detection]]
Modern MIR tasks
* [[2024:Symbolic Music Generation]]
* [[2024:Music Audio Generation]]
* [[2024:Music Description & Captioning]]
* [[2024:Polyphonic Transcription]]
We also invite proposals for new challenges in MIR. For details, see [[2024:Call for Challenges]].
==Call for Challenges==
Starting from MIREX 2024, we invite proposals for challenges addressing new research problems from the ISMIR community. These challenges should aim to push the boundaries of current research and foster innovation within the field of music information retrieval.
For the format and requirements for the challenge proposal, please go to [[2024:Call for Challenges]].
==How to Participate==
* Read the task descriptions and the submission guidelines (coming soon).
* Wrap your system in a Docker container. Required dependencies should be specified in the Dockerfile. Make sure to keep the I/O format consistent with the task description.
* Write a 2-3 page extended abstract PDF describing your system.
* Submit your system and the extended abstract to the new submission portal (coming soon).
==Important Dates==
* Challenge proposals due: Aug 7, 2024
* Notification of acceptance for challenge proposals: Aug 14, 2024
* Submissions due: TBA
==Contact Us==
Since we are adapting MIREX to a new format, we welcome any feedback, suggestions, and task leader volunteers. Please send your email to [mailto:future-mirex@googlegroups.com future-mirex@googlegroups.com].
We are looking forward to seeing you at MIREX 2024!
Future MIREX Team, 2024
MIREX 2024 Organizers:
* Junyan Jiang, New York University.
* Akira Maezawa, Yamaha
* Ziyu Wang, New York University
* Yixiao Zhang, Queen Mary University
* Ruibin Yuan, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
* Gus Xia, MBZUAI.

Revision as of 18:43, 14 July 2024

Welcome to MIREX 2024

After a break of 3 years, we want to bring back the MIREX (Music Information Retrieval Evaluation eXchange) competition starting from 2024. We want to bring in new tasks, benchmarks, and datasets in response to the rapid development of computer music research.

The MIREX community will hold its annual meeting as part of The International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference. This year, the conference will be held in San Francisco, CA, USA and online from November 10–14, 2024.

In a long run, we want to make MIREX a platform for researchers to share their latest research results, to compare their systems with others, and to promote the development of the field.

MIREX 2024 Evaluation Tasks

We will start with a small set of tasks and will expand the list based on the community's feedback. We also welcome volunteers for task leaders. The following tasks are currently planned for MIREX 2024:

Traditional MIR tasks

Modern MIR tasks

We also invite proposals for new challenges in MIR. For details, see 2024:Call for Challenges.

Call for Challenges

Starting from MIREX 2024, we invite proposals for challenges addressing new research problems from the ISMIR community. These challenges should aim to push the boundaries of current research and foster innovation within the field of music information retrieval.

For the format and requirements for the challenge proposal, please go to 2024:Call for Challenges.

How to Participate

  • Read the task descriptions and the submission guidelines (coming soon).
  • Wrap your system in a Docker container. Required dependencies should be specified in the Dockerfile. Make sure to keep the I/O format consistent with the task description.
  • Write a 2-3 page extended abstract PDF describing your system.
  • Submit your system and the extended abstract to the new submission portal (coming soon).

Important Dates

  • Challenge proposals due: Aug 7, 2024
  • Notification of acceptance for challenge proposals: Aug 14, 2024
  • Submissions due: TBA

Contact Us

Since we are adapting MIREX to a new format, we welcome any feedback, suggestions, and task leader volunteers. Please send your email to future-mirex@googlegroups.com.

We are looking forward to seeing you at MIREX 2024!

Future MIREX Team, 2024

MIREX 2024 Organizers:

  • Junyan Jiang, New York University.
  • Akira Maezawa, Yamaha
  • Ziyu Wang, New York University
  • Yixiao Zhang, Queen Mary University
  • Ruibin Yuan, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
  • Gus Xia, MBZUAI.